Clasus Interactive Whiteboard

Clasus  is a Portuguese company that sell Interactive Whiteboards that look like Promethean IWBs, act like Promethean IWBs and may as well be Promethean IWBs under a different name (allegedly). Maltec are the Irish company attempting to sell these  boards for less than Promethean’s price.  Clasus made their name in Ireland under their former distributors, Screenflex, when they challenged a ruling that Promethean Ireland had, that is, the only way one could use Promethean’s software was with a Promethean board.

The Technology

Exactly the same as Promethean – there is an electromagnetic board which is controlled by a pen.

The Software

Clasus comes with its native software, A-migo, which doesn’t look very good at all.  In fact, the salespeople didn’t even bother showing it.  It also ships with WizTeach, which is a better option.  However, it isn’t as good as ActivInspire.

The Price

Original claims to be €1,500 cheaper than Promethean took a big hit as IWB prices came down in 2009.  They are now, at worst, potentially more expensive that Promethean boards and, at best, in and around at the same price.  It seems to be a risk cloning a market leader because once their price goes down, where do you go?  Screenflex, however, prided themselves on their customer service and support.  I haven’t heard any positive or negative reports from their new distributors, Maltec Solutions.

The Quirks

If you have a Promethean board, there are no real extra quirks to this board as it’s basically a clone of  it.

The Verdict

I had to update this review because times have changed since it was first written.  This board no longer has the appeal of being much cheaper than the rest since it came out.  While there’s nothing wrong with the board, since there’s little difference between it and Promethean’s, I can’t see very much reason to invest in it.

Last Update: August 17, 2017  

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15 thoughts on “Clasus Interactive Whiteboard”

  1. I was only looking at the spec for the Clasus this week, and it said that the ordinary water markers could be used. To be able to use it as an ordinary whiteboard is a handy bonus.

  2. Clasus is a Portuguese company that purchased boards in china and sticked their name on top, it is not a clone it is just electromagnetic and the pens are very bad an use batteries, the resolution is very low. and by the way are closing, so watch out with warranties.

    • Not sure if the above comment is true as the email address seems to be fake and the name of the person is dubious. Perhaps someone can clarify these accusations?

    • I’m a maths teacher in Portugal, and I would like to clarify the wrong statements of Mr “Interested Person”.
      I’m just a Clasus’ customer, very interested in Educational issues, and it seems you know Clasus company, Clasus organisation and Clasus I&D capacity.
      I’ll be pleased to present you the company and some of the hundreds of Teachers that work with them.
      It’s a pitty you hide yourself behind a non-identified name, once your makeing so strong and fake statements. Moreover, it’s really an ugly behaviour to issue such statements relating the work of hundreds of good professional people: I’m just referring my colleagues (Teachers) that I know and work with them.
      Signed: Carla (the unhiden person)

  3. Dear all.
    I wanted to post here to set some things straight on the Clasus boards as there is a lot of information flying around on this board but very little is accurate.

    The Clasus board is a board designed by Clasus using similar technology to the promethean board with some clear differences. The Clasus board can be used with dry whiteboard markers. It has the technology built into the back of the board instead of the front, meaning if the surface gets damaged “a common problem in classrooms” the operation of the board is not affected.

    The Clasus board is one of the only interactive whiteboard on the market which is framed in a metal frame. This board is so strong and rigid it can be mounted over a radiator without any affect to the board and still covered under warranty. The pens are battery powered, but the board comes with rechargeable batteries. The board is powered by USB only (no mains power) because the Pen is battery powered. The latest version of the Clasus board supports multiple-Pens. The board comes with a fantastic piece of software called Amigo. This software has been suggested to be very similar to the Promethean Active Software range by many teachers and also supports a Teacher/Child interface. The board come with a 5 year warranty on every part of the board including the surface. The Clasus board is one of the most accurate and precise boards on the market. The board comes with a Adult and Child sized pen. And finally the Clasus board is on of the top selling board in many european countries and in south america.

  4.  hi i’m a disteributer of clasus in Iran, i got some problem in tecnical supports,,but seems no one will answer any one here can help me?

  5.  hi i’m a disteributer of clasus in Iran, i got some problem in tecnical supports,,but seems no one will answer any one here can help me?


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