How good is the software supplied with Smart or Promethean and is it worth all that extra money?

Every company believes their software is the best out there and they will go to great lengths to explain why.  Whether it’s to do with intuition or big bright bold colours, there’s always a reason to choose theirs over the others.  Personally, I think it depends who you are teaching.

If you’re in second level or higher, then either Smart or Promethean’s offerings are fine.  In Primary level, the visual element is, in my opinion, more important than anything else, which is why I consider Promethean’s ActivStudio the best of all Interactive Whiteboard software.  The reason for this is because it looks bright, it looks colourful and kids (and teachers) are instantly turned on by it.  It contains as many of the features as Smart’s software and in some ways, Smart’s software could be more advantageous.  However, Smart’s interface is boring.

That isn’t to say that the software should influence what whiteboard you buy says  No matter what whiteboard you buy these days, you can also buy the software separately.  So if you, like me, enjoy using your finger to control an IWB, you can still buy a SmartBoard or TouchIT then buy the Promethean software separately.

Last Update: January 6, 2021  

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