Mapping and atlas skills

Mapping and Atlas skills are 3 photocopiable resources from Prim-Ed. They are made up of 3 levels- lower, middle and upper. Lower is 1st and 2nd, middle is 3rd and 4th and Upper level is 5th and 6th Class. They focus in on specific mapping skills that are needed in the classroom and curriculum. They link well into the subject area of mathematics and geography.

Relevance to curriculum aims: This publication is based on the Irish curriculum- the subject areas of maths and geography. It includes a “proforma” which uses assessment for each child and it is also a handy way for you to plan your lesson in geography. There seems to be no reference of differentiation and this would be left up to the teacher. 4/5

Teacher usability:

This is very easy to use as most of the tasks could be done independently by the children, with some needing partners or groups. The lessons are easy to use for the children, with a quick introduction from the teacher. The activities are also relevant and enjoyable for the children. The books make good use out of the child’s own surrounding. 5/5

Value for money: This is great value for money for a school as it would cover two classes of work and therefore for 2 years! The books are only €16.11 so they do represent great value for the skint teacher! 5/5
Extras: none! 0/5 It can be used alongside the classroom’s atlases.

This book is a must as most of the geography textbooks do not focus in enough or thoroughly on the skills of mapping and spatial awareness. The teacher would able to use this to supplement their long term planning from year to year.

Last Update: August 22, 2017  

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1 thought on “Mapping and atlas skills”

  1. Just purchased this set of books, cost just over €50 including postage. One point as Simon has already made, the series lacks any reference material, so the teacher will have to provide either an atlas or other map reference for the students to get the most out of the series. Some nice activities which will keep your students busy.


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