Mindfulness Matters: Sui

I am a big believer that teachers who want to work with emotional intelligence need to be constantly working on their own emotional intelligence and competencies. The same goes for mindfulness and meditation. So, with this in mind, sui.ie come to the rescue with a wonderful CD made up of guided and non-guided meditations.

sui_previewIn the guided sections, music accompanies it and you are brought into a focussed state or sleep. You can choose from 6 tracks with 4 of them guided and 2 being silent. I found them to be wonderfully relaxing and still, the sound of the Tibetan bowls making it authentic.  These CDs will become a permanent feature in my mediation collection and a habit I want to develop.

Available from www.sui.ie and nationwide stockists at the price of €19.99.

As promised, this month, anseo.net have all three CDs from Mindfulness Matters to give away. To enter the competition, all you need to do is become a fan of Anseo.net’s Facebook page. If you already like our page, you’re already in with a chance. You have until May 31st to enter. Check out www.mindfulnessmatters.ie and www.sui.ie for brilliant teacher resources to accompany your journey into mindfulness.

Last Update: August 22, 2017  

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