Prezi for Brainstorming

I got one of those mass emails from the guys at Prezi today showcasing some new templates they have. I’m one of the few people who isn’t really that into Prezi anymore. I’m under no illusions: I’m not cool. However, I do feel like a hipster when I say that I started to dislike Prezi once it became popular! PowerPoint became uncool when it was everywhere and Prezi is simply PowerPoint on acid and the trip is less effective when you see it everywhere, but I digress.

Either Prezi realise that they are becoming as ubiquitous as PowerPoint or they have figured out the one thing that it has that PowerPoint doesn’t – real time collaboration. This is its key strength over everyone except maybe Google Presentations.

Prezi have made some templates to make it easier to brainstorm collaboratively. I think this is a very clever move and I’m sure it’s not going to be the first non-presentation use of Prezi’s tools. If you haven’t got the email from Prezi, have a look at their web site and see for yourself.

Last Update: August 22, 2017  

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