Review(Positive Press):Clapping games:Whole brain workouts for lively children

Here we have some fun and stimulating clapping games for children from 1st Class upwards. The original “Clapping games” comes in Big book format, which is useful as your visual stimulus. The second in this series is in a smaller publication, called “More clapping games”

The books are laid out in a clear way for the teacher and child to access, with abbreviations for the actions underneath the words. These could be photocopies, viewed on the visualiser or scanned into your PC for projection.

The whole notion of clapping and playground games have been lost somewhat. Children find it hard to entertain themselves. This book will help the teacher or older child pass on games to younger children in the playground or when they have a free minute. The clapping games also come on accompanying CD, which involves a group or individual child chanting along as they clap. This audio is, of course, useful but I feel it could have been developed further through the use of a jingle or music.

A resource teacher would get excellent use out of these, they would benefit hand-eye coordination, memory and oral language skills as well as adding a break into the school day.

The games in these books are a whole lot of  fun and research has shown that playing games can improve cognitive ability, thinking skills and increase brain speed! They could be used as mini warm ups for PE as ideas for developing into more physical workouts are listed on each page. These books are available from Positive Press and can be ordered at

These books retail at €21.60-Clapping Games with CD and More Clapping Games-with CD-converted with



Last Update: August 22, 2017  

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