Scratch Maths: Probability

Probability is one of the more fun aspects of the primary maths curriculum and this Scratch program can be used to support it very well. There are four balls and a “ball-eating monster” and your job is to guess which ball will be eaten last. When you play the game, the monster asks you which colour you think will win. Simply type in the last surviving colour then hit Enter and hope for the best! In a maths class, you can try the game out several times, marking which colour survives the longest each time. Hopefully given the random nature of the game, there should be a 1 in 4 chance that the monster will eat your favourite colour last!


From a Scratch perspective, there are 5 sprites. The monster is programmed to bounce around the screen. When it hits a ball, it changes the name of a variable to the colour of that ball. For example, if it touches the red ball, the variable changes its value to “red” and the ball disappears. When all the balls have been eaten, the last value on the variable should be the final ball standing.

Last Update: August 8, 2017  

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